February 19, 2015

Random Acts of Kindness DAY 2015

Random Acts of Kindness Day -- which fell on Tuesday, February 17 this year -- is an unofficial holiday increasingly celebrated around the world in an effort to encourage acts of kindness.

And this day certainly did not go unnoticed by the Detroit Lions.

The Hubs (Scott; #76) and several of his fellow Detroit Lions alumni made a special trip to visit and brighten the day of ‪cancer‬ patients at Henry Ford Hospital as part of the Game On Cancer initiative, which is a joint effort between the Detroit ‪‎Lions‬ and Henry Ford’s Josephine Ford Cancer Institute to raise funds for cancer research and patient experiences. 

Here are five random facts about the Lion's visit on Tuesday*:

1. The Lions' mascot, Roary, was there to join in on the fun. (Side note: Did you know that this cat's got his own Facebook page? He does. Because he's cool like that.) 
Here he is with Henry Ford medical doctors:

2. Cancer patient Ella Mays was laying under her own Detroit Lions blanket (presumably one that she brought from home) when the Lion players arrived to her room. Scott asked Ms. Mays if she would like it signed, and when she said, "Certainly!" And they did so:

3. Tuesday's visit was designed to lift the spirits of everyone at Henry Ford Hospital -- including the staff, who work tirelessly to provide care and comfort for patients every single day. The oncology team and caregivers at the infusion unit were just two of the departments that the players visited:

4. Lions players are required to wear their football jerseys during volunteer appearances such as these, and the jerseys are provided by the Detroit Lions organization:

5. Unbeknownst to the players, this event would be covered by WDIV-TV Local 4, Detroit's NBC television affiliate. It was also a surprise to our daughter, Kennedy, who, while playing restaurant with her big brother, looked up and saw Daddy on TV. (From left, Herman Moore (#84), Pete Chryplewicz (#81), Channel 4 reporter Paula Tutman, and The Hubs.):

*A VERY heartfelt thank you to Henry Ford Hospital for providing the lovely photos for this post!


  1. What a lovely idea! Yay for the Kindness day and your husband's generosity! :)

    1. Hi, Lexa! Thanks so much, but this was very much a joint effort among everyone associated with the Lions organization, and The Hubs was very much honored to participate. I swear, that kind of kindness inspires all of us to pay it forward, you know?

      Have a fabulous weekend, my friend, and thank you for reading and commenting!


  2. Hi Courtney and Scott - You know this has totally warmed my heart! I wish these kind of stories were the ones that make headline news. Thank you for your selflessness and cheer, not only to the cancer patients, but also to the infusion nurses and staff... they are angels to be able to do what they do every day. Hugs and blessings, Holly

    1. Thank you so very much for your kid words, Holly, but, as you said, it is the men and women who provide care and comfort every day to these warriors that deserve all -- and I do mean ALL -- of the credit.

      Thanks for commenting and have a fabulous week ahead!

